represents the blog post talking about whether or not to retire.

Try something new, or retire?

I never thought I’d ask this question of myself. I graduated college at age 19 and began working at age 20. Seems like 40 years of working is a gracious plenty, right? Granted, I began working from home when my children reached middle school (and well before “work from home” was widely accepted), but believe me, that was no picnic. It was still work.

Now that I’m nearing the traditional retirement age, I’m surprised to find that I’m not ready to hang it up just yet. I still have things to do and challenges to meet and in truth, I feel kind of relieved about that. I also feel a little intimidated, and there’s always that niggling self-doubt that I’m not sure a writer ever outruns.

What’s the new challenge? Many of you know that I launched my online writers’ workshops earlier this year. I love teaching, and I love coming alongside aspiring writers to guide and encourage them. This can be a tough business, and a friend and ally who’s already walked the path comes in mighty handy.

As the workshop journey progressed and eventually launched, my trusted advisors and mentors kept sending me a consistent message, a new one: “You should start a podcast.”

A podcast? Me? I love listening to some of them, but I had no idea where to begin to produce my own. What would I talk about? What do people want to listen to? But I’ve been at this game of life for a while, and I’ve figured out this quirky business of writing and publication, and I’ve learned to listen when signs, cues and prompts guide me. They aren’t coincidences.

So yes, you guessed it. I’m thrilled to announce that I am embracing this new opportunity. I know nothing at all about producing a podcast. I do, however, love weaving good stories. Technology intimidates me. But there are people out there who do understand all that. My job is to create. Theirs is to pull storytelling and technology together, and to get the podcast produced and placed where it needs to be.

I’m excited, a little overwhelmed, and more than a little nervous. That just means that I’m stepping outside my comfort zone and my friends, I hope we always have the courage to do just that. When we lose that courage, I believe our light dims ever so slightly.

Sure, retirement absolutely sounds like it has its perks, but my husband and I can still enjoy those perks while these new opportunities unfold, right? As much as we love spending time with our grandchildren (and we do!), there’s still a lot more for the two of us to explore, as well.

Life is a gift. It’s up to us to live it well. So here’s to courage, and belief, and adventure.

Stay tuned for more details about the new podcast, titled Front Porch Tales with Carole Townsend.

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